This time last year we proposed the idea of sharing space with Grove Park Youth Club. An amazing space we've shared so much in.
Our crowdfunders and regular donations from families made our move a reality. Our new home had stairs, enclosed outdoor space, an art + games room, kitchen and chill areas… every session has been beautiful.
To those who value + access the space
You bring a joy + renewed energy to Philo. Your kindess, ideas + sharing have impacted us and excited us about the possibilities for the future of Philo. You ignite thought + inspire play. We’re so grateful for what weve experienced together. As Philo picks up motion again, we do our best to invite you along. please join our mailing list or whatsapp update group.
To the supporters
Philo came to life because of your generosity. You literally sowed the seeds that have allowed us to welcome communities of families for almost 40 days of play.
We are in the process of finding a sustainable way of supporting Philo. What felt like a project in 2022 has evolved into a movement, finding it’s place in each state.
We’ve created
We’ve played
We’ve rested
+ continue to search for rest in our practice.
We’re now in a deep phase of development and will restart soon.
Thank you to everyone involved. This has always been about collective healing.
We cannot achieve anything on our own